As pointed out to us by a reader who included a YouTube link ( during a recent pre-election sermon at the Calvary Chapel Reno Sparks on Edison Way, Pastor Phil McKay said “We've prepared – our community impact team has prepared for you guys – a voter guide, that is going to hopefully help you to be educated on casting your vote so you know who you're voting for and what you're voting for. Amen.”
The Community Impact website, which has Mckay listed at the top of its about page and the same address as the church, has a 2024 Voter Guide with chosen candidates and answers on ballot questions, from Donald Trump for president to other Republican favored candidates and no on enshrining abortion rights in Nevada’s constitution.
At the bottom of the Calvary Reno website it mentions Calvary Chapel of Reno Sparks is a 501(c)3 Religious Non-Profit Organization.
However, as 501(c)(3) organizations, churches as well as charities have been prohibited from supporting specific political candidates since the passage of the Johnson Amendment in 1954.
The Internal Revenue Code provides that, by definition, 501(c)(3) organizations do not “participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”
Further, the IRS has indicated voter guides are allowed to be prepared or promoted by churches unless they contain a bias for or against one or more candidates, which in this case was clear.
In recent election cycles, though, as churches have become more obvious about publicly backing candidates, the outlet ProPublica reported the IRS “has largely abdicated its enforcement responsibilities.”
Local outlets KUNR and Nevada Independent also did insightful reporting about the pastor mentioned in this story with extensive details for readers interested in finding out more about this possible election violation. It was also discussed at length on several local Reddit posts.