Applicants for the open District C Washoe County School District Board of Trustees seat are preparing their five minute spiels in hopes of being named the replacement for Joe Rodriguez, who has new duties after being elected to the Sparks City Council in the last election cycle.
Due to construction at the WCSD Building, a meeting will take place Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Joe at UNR in Room 403 for their presentations.
Other Trustees will then select finalists for interviews scheduled the Tuesday after on the 14th at 9 a.m. back at the WCSD building on 9th street.
Reported candidates in alphabetical order are: Jason Bushey, Felipe Escamilla, Marcus Hodges, Monica Lehmann, Tamara Oswald, Bruce Parks, James Phoenix, Tracey Thomas and Timothy Zysk.
Escamilla has an interesting profile as a public shool advocate and producer for the Khan Academy. Parks and Thomas are well known as Washoe County Republican Party operatives. Oswald might have an inner lane, with nearly 15 years experience as a substitute teacher with the WCSD.